Wednesday, October 16, 2024


So what's been happening?


Early voting starts Friday. I'm looking forward to having any part of this election behind me, so I'm doing that. I've already scheduled November 5th through 8th off of work. With any luck, I won't even know who won until the next Monday.

Of course, that also means I'll be trying to get everything off of my plate by end of month.

Have I mentioned I'm moving to a new office space?

r/iiiiiiitttttttttttt - Are you sure about that? 

This is my life now.



I've been working on sorting all of my custom BattleMechs into different projects.

Battletech: Miniverse, which leans into the feudal nature of BattleTech. Product is a novelette.

Battletech: 3087, which is an expansion of TRO: 3087. It includes a Nation Simulation Game, player stable creation (with tech tree), and RATs by Faction/Role with force formations and expanded record sheets.

Battletech: Vard Modeling, a near-as-I-care-to-get canonical setting with some of my favorite 'mechs. Products are Mech Engineer's Handbook (including Expanded Quirks), Sourcebook: Clan Bacillus, Clan Bacillus Complete Battlefield Handbook, and TRO: Buildings.

This is a lot, so society will probably collapse before I finish it all. I've got a draft of MEHB & ExQuirks, an outline of the Miniverse novelette, a draft of the Nation Simulation Game and Stable creation.

The big hitch has been the RATs by Faction/Role and the Complete Battlefield Handbook. Factions don't have well defined regimental structures by role, so I have to create that. ::eyeroll emoji:: I also think that something called Complete Battlefield Handbook should include things like ::double eyeroll emoji:: "vehicles" and "infantry" and "pictures," which are not things I'm either inclined or capable of creating. 

Welcome to the back of the queue, idiot project.

Also working on a--ugh--list for Battletech that I can adjust for most BV- and PV- based systems and formats. It's work, but it's the kind of work I like:


Trying to get something off of the ground about LLMs. I wanted to call it, "So Your Boss Asked You About AI," but there's gotta be a part in the middle about how LLMs are actually good. They have some uses, but it's something I'm not eager to sit down and articulate. Ah, that yearning for "artistic discipline."

I'd also like to make some very short Battletech primer videos. The current bullshit on YouTube is too fucking short. 

I'd also like to finish the DS9 podcast.

I'd also like to do a news podcast that kinds fits into the Morning Perfect Base space.

I'd also like a pony.

Currently reading some Sherlock Holmes. Hope that goes well.

That's it for now. Hope things are going well for you.

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