Sunday, March 08, 2020

The Perfect Mate

I feel like doing an episode which accepted so many messed-up assumptions could have worked in service to so many other great ideas. Whats up with the male social push to engage the the performances which allow us the chance to engage in intercourse...but a woman? That's a great angle for an episode of Star Trek. What about the examination of traditional, Western ritual monogamy through marriage as viewed through a lens of a bona fide people-pleaser who DOESN'T have a convenient monogamy lock-down timer installed in her uterus? Not great, but still a concept worth examining.

I was so looking forward to sharing this classic episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation with Derek, but the I watched it. I would apologize for Star Trek: Picard ruining my enjoyment of TNG, but your apologies should come from the STP production staff. I think it is the best option for us to just cut through this to get to Deep Space Nine.

After all, it's not like watching a classic series like DS9 could disappoint.

Surely. Right?

The Beige and The Bold is hosted on Anchor and is available on most podcasting platforms. New episodes go live on Sunday nights at 10:00 PM CST.


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