Sunday, November 28, 2021

Lower Decks

Hey it's me and Matt lookin' at one of Star Trek: The Next Generation's last classic episodes: "Lower Decks." We're gonna watch it together on Netflix and then talk about it some.

Given that Star Trek: Lower Decks is based on this episode, it's surprisingly heavy. The series has a lot of humor with only touches of drama and pathos, but it does have those as well. It's true to its roots and it's the best Star Trek I've watched since Deep Space Nine.

Less seriously, Taurik did get that Ensign killed because he couldn't count to four.

The Beige and The Bold is hosted on Anchor and is available on most podcasting platforms. New episodes are posted on Sunday nights at 9:00 PM CST.


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Homeward Solo Session

Unedited, slightly incoherent, and mostly redundant, The Beige and The Bold Solo Sessions are episodes where I run through a show with just you, the listener, as my companion. In "Homeward," I basically miss everything Dr. Crusher was saying because she addresses a lot of my concerns, but--

--what about DOMESTICATION?! Do you know how long it took for us to make wheat, corn, and other plants edible?! The Boraalans aren't starting over from their modest, medieval beginnings; they're going back to hunting and gathering. I'd be shocked if their culture survived that. If Lower Decks (the series) could casually kill off Spock 2, I'm rooting for them to revisit New Boraal and just find bodies.

The word I was thinking of was "referendum." Seems like something that The Federation could put together over a long weekend. I'd much rather see the story where Picard has to debate the fate of these guys with his own agenda against someone else, rather than just have him shrug his way through least-bad options.

The Beige and The Bold is hosted on Anchor and is available on most podcasting platforms. New episodes are usually posted on Sunday nights at 9:00 PM CST.


Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Pegasus

I'm watching TNG's 7th season alongside you, the viewer, and Alex from Media Thinkings and Cinema Joes.

It's about Riker and loyalty versus principle. It's a great conflict that has a lot of ideas behind it and addresses a lot of the structure of the Star Trek universe. "Sadly, we don't see any compelling alternative ideas behind this. Don't be a dick and murder your crew, future Starfleet captains."

Also, this episode is connected to the series finale for Star Trek: Enterprise. I don't like Enterprise, so I dodge most of animus based on that. For those of you who do like Enterprise, I'm sorry.

Alex can be found on twitter @MediaThinkings and @CinemaJoes, as well as on Anchor on PopBreakTV.

The Beige and The Bold is hosted on Anchor and is available on most podcasting platforms. New episodes are posted on Sunday nights at 9:00 PM CST.
