Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Battletech Heaps: Targeting Pod

Whether it's for nostalgia or novelty, Wednesdays are the days that I put up old Battletech house rules I created nigh on 10 years ago. For those of you who aren't familiar with the (in)famous, addictive board game of armored combat, I'll add some context, but know that you should abandon all non-courier fonts, ye who enter here.

Targeting Pods
Somewhere between a turret and a targeting computer, targeting pods contain a bundle of direct fire weapons. Controlled by computers through a bundle of sensitive actuators, they create a precise way of directing fire.

Targeting pods are an extension of sensor-to-muzzle targeting improvements, but they fall prey to the law of diminishing returns. While the technology may be more on par with the Clans, most warriors draw the line at keeping the computers from doing all of the fighting. On the other hand, the technology is too advanced for what the Inner Sphere can offer. If it did exist in the Battletech universe, it would likely be the hopeless pet project of a Clan scientist. 

So long as the firing 'mech walks or is stationary, weapons attached to the targeting pod either gain a -1 to hit or may make aimed shots using a targeting computer or against an immobile unit with targeting pod support.

Aimed Shot Support
: When rolling to check the accuracy of an aimed shot with a the support of a targeting pod, the shot hits the targeted location on a result of 5,6,7,8, or 9 (instead of the standard 6,7,or 8).

The targeting pod works with all weapons a targeting computer does and requires a targeting computer to function. It supports all such weapons in the location its mounted. If those weapons have different firing arcs, it only supports weapons that share a firing arc. 

The targeting pod weighs one ton for every three tons of supported weaponry. It requires that many critical spaces.

Targeting pods are designed to work with targeting computers. When walking or stationary, an equipped 'mech can use supported weapons to:

1) Fire affected weapons with a -2 modifier. (TC -1 modifier + TP -1 modifier)
2) Target a specific
, non-head location with a +2 modifier, and it hit that location on a roll of 6, 7,or 8 (TC +3 targeting ability + TP -1 modifier).
3) Target a specific, non-head location with a +3 modifier, and it hit that location on a roll of 5,6,7,8,or 9 (TC +3 targeting ability + TP aimed shot support).
4) Target a specific, non-head location on an immobile 'mech with a -5 modifier and hit that location on a roll of 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 (-1 for the TC modifier, -4 for the immobile unit modifier + TP aimed shot support).
5) Target a specific, non-head location on an immobile 'mech with a -6 modifier and hit that location on a roll of 6, 7, or 8.
6) All that, but targeting the head and with a +7 modifier.

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