A few months ago, I and a friend kicked around an aborted comics project featuring superhuman jerks being jerks on a truly superhuman level. Character descriptions are here and the pilot plots are posted below.
*Doctor Bob, standing at a podium, obviously speaking to an unpictured
Doctor Bob (DB): "All metas trained by U.N.I.T.Y. may be called upon
at any time to serve a front-line role in an emergency."
*Shows Cyberparanoid(CP) performing CPR on a dummy. DB's voice continues,
but he is not present.*
DB: "Basic first aid should be administered unhesitatingly and
expertly. U.N.I.T.Y. certification means saving lives, and doing so
*Shows The Spider moving ambulances over a simple map of a city with fires
on various buildings. OR CP with parts of a miniature city in front of him, a
'scoreboard' is behind him with a countdown timer and words similar to
"Crisis Response Scenario 03." Regardless of the exact image, DB is
again only narrating and not present.*
DB: "Whether it's because of your meta abilities or perceived
affiliation with U.N.I.T.Y., others will often defer to you in a crisis."
*Back to Bob, who's looking offscreen.* "Your goal is to be ready for any—excuse me I have to