Sunday, August 01, 2021


Unedited, slightly incoherent, and mostly redundant, The Beige and The Bold Solo Sessions are episodes where I run through a show all on my  own.

Picard is in a Geordi plot, which is mind-blowing to discover, and the intrigue sizzles like a superconductor on an Alaskan highway*. No one cares and nothing happens. Worf gets a win and sales of fun-size Mars bars and Hurricanes go up by 1%.

The actor I couldn't place was Eric Pierpoint. I thought I'd feel stupid when I looked it up, but I don't. He wasn't in the original movie, just the five TV movies and the one TV season of the Alien Nation franchise. I was going to make a "he's been in worse" joke, but I can't do Alien Nation dirty like that. 

The Beige and The Bold is hosted on Anchor and is available on most podcasting platforms. New episodes are usually posted on Sunday nights at 9:00 PM CST. If you have Netflix and would like to be a guest host for an episode in season seven, let me know on twitter @VanVelding or via Discord:

*Yes, I know that would technically kind of sizzle as the highway pumps heat into the superconductor, but you get what I'm going for.


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