Sunday, May 31, 2020


The Road to Deep Space Nine continues as I struggle through the bewildering house which Unsolved Mysteries made. I am legitimately struggling to understand how this episode came out before both "Fire in the Sky" and "The X-Files." Nimoy hosted "In Search of..." in 1977, so that's not a proximate cause.

Am I too mean here? About stories where there's always *some* way to win? Obviously, you can't have a series where ALL of our heroes' actions are doomed to fail, but certainly, there's something to be said for acknowledging when bold action just won't work. When resistance is--oh wait.

The Beige and The Bold is hosted on Anchor and is available on most podcasting platforms. New episodes go live on Sunday nights at 10:00 PM CST.



Anonymous said...

Hah, you remembered my theory about the woman sitting next to Picard! She's not a civilian though, she's one of the regular extras on the bridge.

I didn't rewatch the episode properly ahead of time - I only rewatched with your commentary track - so I don't know if you're being too mean. (I will say that, when Geordi is walking to Riker's quarters, I don't think we're *meant* to understand how much time has passed until he says it.) If I were to rewatch properly, I guess my talking points would be whether it's fair to introduce a conflict which is a new kind of experience for the characters instead of building on things we already know about them, and whether the onus should be on this episode for failing to pick up existing threads or if it's on later episodes for failing to build on what this episode introduced; and whether it's necessary to sacrifice 'scientific method' for 'social message' (or vice versa).

Is there so little character in the episode that we could shuffle the parts around to different characters, while keeping all dialogue and delivery, with no change in meaning? Or, since "Relics" lacked action, mash its character development into this episode's action?

Wonder if this script was an intentional broadening/reworking of the basic fear & dimensional phsyics conflict from Barclay's episode.

Don't know about the alien abductions fad. My reflex is to chalk it up to one of those pop culture / nostalgia cycles.

SkilTao said...

Posted a comment here same time as the other two. Could be in your spam filter, could be the login process ate it. If it's lost, the only important part was

Leela: "Relics has no action."
Shatner: "Schisms has no character."
Leela: "Wait, if Relics has character, and Schisms has action..."
Fry: "Stop it! You're just going around in circles!"