Sunday, January 10, 2021


We're back with a new co-host, Kit, who has seen some TNG but is new to DS9. Welcome to season two of Nine Deeps of Space.

It's a good episode that never gets old and I can confirm that seeing it with fresh eyes always gives a new insight. Did The Prophets know what they were doing? Maybe the better question is...did they have done how they were because Sisko...good?

I hate temporal mechanics.

Vasquez was played by Jenette Goldstein, but Kit was thinking of Michelle Rodriguez. I have no idea who the heck I was thinking of. Maybe Rosie Perez, but I've only ever seen her Pineapple Express.

In that Deep Space Nine is going to focus more on character and setting, does it give too much up in terms of having a clear morality behind it? I mean, modern television has been described as nihilistic, and DS9 has been called a prototype of modern television, so is DS9...kind of nihilistic?

Nine Deeps of Space is a Trekalong podcast that lets you watch Deep Space Nine along with us on Netflix. It updates every other Sunday night at 10 PM CST. NDoS alternates with its partner series, The Beige and The Bold, which is about Star Trek: The Next Generation.


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