Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Ship in a Bottle

This starts a period of The Beige and The Bold where some episodes include Derek and me, and others include a special guest co-host instead of Derek. This week's special guest co-host is Brady Hendricks of The City Within the Walls Podcast. We talk about Moriarty, holodeck programming, and Inception.

Brady raises a good question: After everything we've been through with Barclay, do we trust him with the holodeck? He's familiar with it, but is he too familiar with it?

You can check out The City Within the Walls Podcast on itunes:

The Beige and The Bold is hosted on Anchor and is available on most  podcasting platforms. New episodes usually go live on Sunday nights at  10:00 PM CST.



SkilTao said...

The crew's reluctance to 3D-print people probably overlaps with the Federation's aversion to cloning and transhumanism.

Troi would know from the start that they were still on the holodeck. Geordi should too.

The final sandbox doesn't have to be very big if you run it slow enough.

VanVelding said...

That's fair about Geordi and Troi, though I wouldn't put it past this series to forget that.

Keeping Moriarty in a slowtime hell seems like a strictly-worse option than just fastforwarding his consciousness towards a death at the end of a well-lived life. It seems like any interruption is going to result in--from his perspective--an immediate end to the charade and a return to their confrontational status quo.

SkilTao said...

I would think that fast-forwarding him would cause an interruption, as most holodeck programs are too short for aging to be a regular part of their programming. Time dilation seems like a better option because his mind & physics would be running at the same speed as the rest of his simulation; it only seems slow from the outside.