Monday, June 08, 2020


We're back on track and it's just Derek and me all the way through the halfway point of the season and the start of the Deep Space Nine series.

We talk about Amanda Rogers' bland taste in men, the yikes factor of turning Doctor Crusher into a dog, and what is the deal with the Q even? It's an episode that's all over the place and the last thing we care about the fate of some character we just met and will never see again.

Sorry, I guess that's a spoiler for Voyager when Amanda Rogers and all of the questions she raises are ignored. Honestly, that's to Voyager's credit because it did all of this better.

"Voyager did all of this better" is a red flag in terms of episode quality, but welcome to season six! *Evil madman laughter*

The Beige and The Bold is hosted on Anchor and is available on most podcasting platforms. New episodes usually go live on Sunday nights at 10:00 PM CST.



SkilTao said...

Perhaps Q should have dressed as some sort of traveler as he tries to educate this exceptional young starfleet aspirant who's being mothered by Beverly.

Something something Amanda Rogers, something something Bewitchling her nose.

VanVelding said...

Anything Q can do to not be a dick would help his case, but since he's increasingly written as being unable to not be a dick, here he is: the only all-powerful dude in the room, fucking up the only all-powerful dude in the room.

You have a point about Amanda's Bewitched feel.

SkilTao said...

I'm 98% sure I'm just parroting the Bewitched comment from one of our previous, long ago conversations.