Sunday, October 20, 2019

Unification, Pt I

Honestly, I'd feel more comfortable sending kids to Romulus. Spy kids.

For an episode with Spock, there's not a lot of Spock. And speaking of Star Trek episodes without a lot of Star Trek, I also feel like we haven't gotten a strong idea or moral principle lately. Derek and I are just crackin' jokes instead of engaging in some elevated discourse because...we're just not seeing any. Is that fair for the first stretch of Season 5 or are we just getting complacent? I'm sorry if we are; we're stretching for the meatier content.

I refuse to apologize for my Brooks and Dunn references.

The  Beige and The Bold is hosted on Anchor and is available on most  podcasting platforms. New episodes go live on Sunday nights at 10:00 PM  CST.


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