So we've moved past the humor/horror of "isn't this happening now, lol," TV logic, and into the forgetting references. Titus Andronicus was the Shakespeare play. The Scrubs episode was Season 5, Episode 12 "My Cabbage."
DS9, like its predecessor, features officers who know how to make a scene dramatic. Starfleet sends out surveys for this kind of thing.
I feel like we don't have a big idea here. Things happen and while it's a good ensemble episode that's closer to mediocre than bad, I just don't see the point of it. It illustrates how people can be selfish in a crisis, but the story doesn't really care about that; it just works around it.
Nine Deeps of Space is a Trekalong podcast that lets you watch Deep Space Nine along with us on Netflix. It updates every other Sunday night at 10 PM CST. NDoS alternates with its partner series, The Beige and The Bold, which is about Star Trek: The Next Generation.